A trip to Indiana’s grand ravines
Early October is typically the start of my search for fall colors, but this year I decided to start a new photography project and my wife and I took a trip in search of other colors. I would photograph fall…
Early October is typically the start of my search for fall colors, but this year I decided to start a new photography project and my wife and I took a trip in search of other colors. I would photograph fall…
What does one do while waiting on the first winter storm of the season with a predicted snowfall of 5 inches to 3 feet do? Go photograph a frozen lake! I had completed all my preparation for the storm and…
I decided early one morning to check the colors at a location at Lake Monroe that I had photographed in the spring to see the scene with fall colors. Unfortunately, I was too earlier and there was very little color…
The big question this fall is when will the tree colors peak? Optimist said we would see peak color in southern Indiana by late October. A naturalist friend and I thought late in the first week of November. Now, it…
A few weeks ago, I decided to visit a few places I had not seen for a couple of years. Sundance Lake is one of my favorite places. It is hidden off the beaten track in the Hoosier National Forest…
You can read my introduction to historical trees in an earlier post. When we think of the USS Constitution, or Old Ironsides as the U.S. Navy frigate is nicknamed, we are more likely to think of Boston where the ship…
You can read my introduction to historical trees in an earlier post. You may be familiar with the maple tree helicopters that fly from the branches of maple trees in the spring, or the troublesome gum ball from a sweetgum…
A friend confirmed a few weeks ago that Sandhill Cranes had returned to southern Indiana. My wife said she would like to go see them on my first trip, so we planned a Friday to observe and photograph the cranes…
I am guessing that yesterday was the peak for fall colors at Brown County State Park. The rain today my drop the remaining leaves. The fog yesterday, enveloped the whole park from the hollows to the top of the hills…
When will the fall colors peak in Indiana is the great mystery and the subject of many conversations. Maybe next week? The last few years, the peak has been closer to November 1st. We have had several dreary days (according…