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Fall Creek Gorge Preserve Potholes Warren County IN

Fall Creek Gorge and Portland Arch Nature Preserves

I have been on several trips to various nature preserves, the Hoosier Nature Forest, and stat parks the last few weeks and have fallen behind on my postings. So, I am going to slowly get caught up.

Fall Creek Gorge Nature Preserve

June, Steven Higgs and I ventured out of our comfort zone in Southern Indiana for a trip northwest of Bloomington. Our first stop was at Fall Creek Gorge in Warren County (the Potholes). This gorge was made by a creek running through the sandstone. The area is very beautiful. Unfortunately, there were too many folks splashing through the water and playing in the potholes even though there are signs saying not to wade in them or face a hefty fine.

It is also unfortunate that there was a lot of trash left behind.

However, I am looking forward to going back this fall when the trees start to turn!

Portland Arch Nature Preserve

Our second stop of the day was at Portland Arch Nature Preserve in Warren County. We got lost on a couple of back roads using the printed maps and then I resorted to Google maps on my phone and it took us to the parking lot. When we walked down to the creek bed, we were not impressed with the sandstone cliffs as it was mostly gray and black. But, having walked about a half mile, we setup and took some pictures of the sandstone. Then, Steven’s granddaughter came back and said the arch was around the corner, but still not impressive. It was only when we walked through the arch did we see the beauty of this sandstone outcrop. It was truly amazing as we shot for close to an hour.

Portland Arch is the only natural bridge in Indiana. I have seen a few natural bridges and all are impressive often due to their size. However, this one is the most impressive because of the colors of the sandstone. Plus, you can get right up to the stone. In fact, I was wishing I had a wide angle lens…


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