Early October is typically the start of my search for fall colors, but this year…

Golden Maples in Fall Rain Selma Steele NP Brown County IN
It seems like it had been raining hard for a week although it was only a day or two when I had to go to the TC Steele State Historical site. As I was leaving, I noticed the black tree trunks against the golden maple leaves. I knew I had to come back and photograph the scene that afternoon in the rain. I gathered my gear and few extra trash bags to keep my gear dry. When I arrive, I setup my tripod with my camera. I fitted my camera with a Storm Jacket and then placed a trash bag over the camera and secured it to the tripod.
The hike down the steep hillside was quite soft as I walked on nature’s new carpet of leaves and rain softened ground. The only sound was that of rain hitting the leaves. It was peaceful and mesmerizing. I hiked up and down the area trying to find the perspective of the forest that I wanted. I finally found the scene I wanted.
I photographed the area for about 45 minutes and decided to stop when the rain went from a drizzle to a steady downpour. Somehow, my equipment and I stayed dry. I do not photograph in the rain very often, but I am now going to look for more scenes to photograph on rainy days.